Professional Development
Professional Development Opportunities:
​​https://ohiodoe.brightspace.com/d2l/login?logout=1 ODE Learning Management System: many free relatable courses available. New courses on Culturally Responsive Practices. FIP modules are always a good refresher. For PBIS support there is a 2-hour course.
https://www.sstr5.org/ In addition SSTR5 literacy page has a strong listing of webinars and podcasts.
https://www.infohio.org/campus provides flexible, collaborative professional development through INFOhio Campus with viable options for credit to train educators on how to use our resources and tools and integrate them into instruction.
OLAC modules and podcasts. 20+ online learning modules designed to expand your knowledge and understanding of various topics. Many of the materials have been updated including gifted education modules and a module on coaching, instruction, and teams using data wisely.
The Writing Revolution You have to sign up for a login, but it is very easy to do. They are releasing 30-minute webinars every week. These are appropriate for all grade levels and all content areas.
Ocali provides a wide variety of learning opportunities for our adult learners. They span a variety of topics such as behavior interventions, executive functioning, Autism Internet Modules, and more. There is also a family resource page.
Leadership in Action. Good for administrators. Community Online Academies (COAs) are virtual full days of learning/development and health/wellness for kids and adults – taught by the highest quality teachers, instructors, speakers, from our community. Attendees can dial into as many or as few sessions as they like
Iris Centeran online resource for paraprofessionals as well as teachers and administrators alike. Topics range from accommodations to transitions and many things in-between! They have modules that can be completed independently or as a group. Supported by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Special Education Programs and located at Vanderbilt University’s Peabody College, the IRIS (Innovative Resources for Instructional Success) Center develops and disseminates free, engaging online resources about evidence-based instructional and behavioral practices to support the education of all students, particularly struggling learners and those with disabilities. These resources, designed to bridge the research-to-practice gap, are intended for use in college teacher preparation programs, in professional development (PD) activities for practicing professionals, and by independent learners​: ​Behavior and Classroom Management, ​IEPs​, ​Diversity​, ​Accommodations​, ​School Improvement/Leadership​, ​MTSS/RTI​, ​Assessment, ​Learning Strategies​.​
Ohio Partnership for Excellence in Paraprofessional Preparation
OPEPP Professional Development Modules
The online learning materials below help school district personnel, professional development providers, and regional service providers improve the quality and consistency of training available to instructional paraprofessionals. Each module includes relevant information assembled in 10 or 11 units, each incorporating a variety of learning tools such as webinars, activities, discussion prompts, and resources.
These materials can be explored by paraprofessionals directly, but might best be used to deliver facilitated training to teams of paraprofessionals and teachers.
Users’ Guide
The Users’ Guide provides a brief description of the modules and offers tips for two different groups that might use the modules:
(1) parapros working on their own and (2) educators (e.g., school district and regional personnel) who train parapros.